Elvégeztem a googletranslator szövegírói tanfolyamát, najó tettem egy kísérletet Endre miatt:)
Amúgy is vmi őszi számot írunk éppen úgyhogy maradt a tegnapi nóta Trouble - Rain, tegnap kiraktam a magyarítását amit a google csinált.
Ma meg kirakom az angolosítást amit színtén a googli csinált saját magából, vagy mi :)
Az első sor mindig az eredeti, a második a letisztult fordítás :D
Remember, when we were standing in the rain
- I remember when we were in the rain
like so many times before
- as has been repeatedly
wishing we could see again
- who have seen once again
what am I looking for
- I'm looking for
never really could explain
- not really been able to explain
I caused you so much pain
- I caused you so much pain
now I understand
- I now understand
Baby, rain must fall
- Baby, rain fall
blue skies are clear in her eyes
- his eyes were clear blue sky
rain, she keeps fallin`
- rain, he keeps Fallin '
don`t be afraid, look for the sun
- Do not be afraid, look for the day
Confusion seems to be all around
- Confusion, it seems that all around
nothing is real
- nothing is real
sometimes, when I can`t take anymore
- Sometimes, when you do not already taken
the way you always make me feel
- I always feel
never really could explain
- not really been able to explain
I always loved the rain
- I have always loved the rain
now I understand
- I now understand
Szerintem megtarthatjuk, még csak plágiumgyanúba sem keveredhetünk :D